-518068014: Woodland Mansion Next to Spawn

A useful seed for you if you want to find a Woodland Mansion. You just need to walk around 100 blocks from the spawn point to reach it. Moreover, you can see majestic mountain ranges are beautifully cut, or deep caves surrounded by many biomes

Cre: Yokuwa, Twitter

How to get Woodland Mansion

It’s not hard to find it between a huge world. From your spawn point let turn to your right and walk through the thick forest to get there

The Woodland Mansion is the big randomly generated structure in Minecraft. You can explore a wide variety of rooms in this mansion (and they are also generated at random).


Around your spawn point

The majestic mountains

Beautifully cut terrains


and more

Seed: -518068014

👉 If you are finding more seeds, you can also other ones in mcpeaddon.com: 4 Biomes At Spawn Seed; The Infinite Seed for MCPE; Bunch-O Ravines Seed
