Army Addon V1 – Hummers, Motorbikes, Air Raids

Would you like a bit of Army with your Minecraft? Well, the Army addon is for you! This initial (of many) release contains pillager paratroopers, hummer with miniguns, army motorbikes, air raids, army ration, and very fast wheelchairs.

Creator: MNO (Twitter, Youtube)

Army Addon

Air Raid Siren (Start here)

You’re going to need some vehicle inventory to start your Army vehicle collection. Before you can get that though, you need to defeat a bunch of pillager soldiers. And before you can do that you need to start an air raid. You need an air raid siren and you can get one by crafting this recipe:

Army Addon

Once you’ve got one, place it down and interact with it

This will summon 3-4 waves of pillager paratroopers who will drop from the sky and commence their attack against just about everything. Guard your pets and vehicles! Nothing is safe from these guys (except monsters). Guard the air raid siren too, so it doesn’t go down in a hail of stray bullets.

These guys will drop army rations, vehicle crafting tables, wheels, and motors. The last three, you can use for crafting your very own army vehicles. The first drop (rations) is the most common, and the most nutritious.

Vehicle Crafting Table

Place down your crafting table, it should look like this:

Interact with it to bring up your trade table:

Army Addon

Three vehicles are available at this point. Use your picked-up inventory parts to “craft” these vehicles. More (many more) to come!

Army Motorbike

Two seaters! And a whole lot of fun. Will not drop its spawn egg when destroyed


Time for serious business. The roof-mounted minigun will shoot monsters (and the dreaded wasps if you have that pack installed). This will also take two players and also does not drop its spawn egg when destroyed


Not your ordinary wheelchair! Very fast and a crazy jumper, sometimes higher than the motorbikes in fact. And it drops its spawn egg when destroyed. Enjoy

Get Army Addon here:

Army Addon

Some Minecraft addons PE you can check in

