JUMARU texture pack is a Bedrock texture pack created by jumaru. This resource pack is a work in progress, about 85% blocks have been modified with a resolution of 120x.
Creator: Jomaru (Youtube)
JOMARU Texture Pack
It is designed for bedrock Render Dragon on PC and console versions (1.19.70) and was tested on the Windows version with RTX and Xbox series s.
All the images shown were taken from windows edition with RTX activated. Email (jhosepruiz123@gmail.com) for suggestions or bug reports.

This pack is 100% free, but if you like my work and want to support me with a donation, I’ll leave you a PayPal link, it would help me for future projects.
JUMARU pack RTX is version 1.0 and is open for future updates
With this pack he changes most of the blocks in the game, trying to give it a more realistic and clean touch.
The pack was developed in minecraft windows edition and is suitable for pc (bedrock, with graphics card with RTX or without RTX) or xbox in multiplayer.
The objective of this pack is to give a bit of realism to minecraft textures taking into account the limitations of the bedrock version without compromising performance at a 128X resolution.
All screenshots were taken directly from “minecraft Bedrock 1.19.70” using “JOMARU Pack RTX”
It is designed and tested on Render Dragon engine on PC and console versions (1.19.70), was tested on Windows Bedrock version with RTX and XBOX series S console.
Water is balanced between reflections and color so it can be viewable with or without RTX.

Textures are intended to be realistic within the limitations of bedrock editing and 128X resolution to balance visual quality and performance.

The ores have a new design and glow for better identification in the dark.
All the flowers were replaced and the grass block (grass_top and grass_side) were modified to visually be a full cube of grass and it was given a minimum of brightness so that it was visible at night, the seagrass changed and has movement

This pack is 100% free, but if you like my work and want to support me with a donation, I’ll leave you a PayPal link, it would help me for future projects.
Some Textures Minecraft PE you can check in mcpeaddons.com:
- MS Painted Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18
- KC’s Simple Textures Release
- MCPE Sharp Shaders (1.19) – Mobile/PC/Low-End Devices
- Fixed red sand texture
- Fixed sandstone bottom texture
- Added raw gold block
- Added lantern texture and soul lantern
- Added red nether bricks texture
- Added sugarcane texture
- Ice texture changed
- Added ender chest texture .
How to install JOMARU RTX “PC”
1. Download “JOMARU RTX Pack”
2. Open the mcpack file, minecraft should open automatically with a texture pack import notification
3. Go to settings > global resources and activate “JUMARU Pack RTX”
4. Done
On xbox it can be shared by someone who has the pack and a world on pc in multiplayer
1. On pc, go to edit world > resource packs > check “JUMARU Pack RTX” > check the box “require players to accept resource packs to join”
2. Join the world from xbox and it will ask to download the global resource pack when you join the world
Unfortunately the console version does not have RTX

Download JUMARU texture pack v1.2 or Link Backup
Download JUMARU texture pack v1.1
Create guns, furniture, animations in ONE toolbox. Try now:
source https://mcpeaddons.com/jomaru-texture-pack/
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