Prairies & Grasslands Addon that adds prairies and plants. The prairies are new biomes similar to plains biomes. All of the information is down below. The Addon is in beta so it isn’t its best. The Addon will be updated from time to time. I will take some ideas in the comments. I was inspired by the prairie behind my house.
Creator: CriticalDagger4
Prairies & Grasslands
A new biome that adds a new wood set, mobs, items, and more.
Cottonwood Wood Set
Cottonwood is a new wood set that isn’t finished yet. So far the only things in the set are logs, leaves, planks, saplings wood, trees, stairs, fences, stairs, and slabs. The leaves can drop cotton, cottonwood saplings, and sticks.
Cotton is a new item that drops from cottonwood leaves.
Burs And Bur Weeds
Burs are an item that drop from bur weeds. They can be crafted into stitch.
Stitch is made from burs. It can repair any leather armor.
Prairie Grass
Prairie Grass is found in prairie biomes.
Violets are a new flower found in prairie biomes.
Dragonflies are a new mob found in prairie biomes. They fly around and drop nothing.
Robins are birds that fly around. They can drop feathers.

Burs item

Bur weed

Prairie Grass



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